Raleighfalls – Voltzberg

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4 days
Tour Details

Raleighfalls is located in the Central Suriname Nature Reserve (CSNR). The reserve offers a great variety of flora and fauna. The biggest activity here is climbing Voltzberg. The intensive hike to the top is rewarded with a magnificant view over the tropical rainforest. Furthermore, there are a lot of waterfalls where you can cool down and spot animals in the evening. Raleighfalls is also known for the unique appearance of the Cock of the Rock (Rock Rooster) and is know biy birdwatchers worldwide.

Departure & Return Location


Departure Time

Departure 8.00 a.m and return time 9.00 a.m

Price Includes

  • Transport
  • Guide
  • All meals
  • Non-alcoholic drinks
  • Snacks & fruits

Day 1Paramaribo - Witagron - Raleigh Falls

Departure: 8.00 a.m. We drive to Witagron, were we will have lunch. After lunch we will sail to the Raleigh Falls. After arrival we will do some hiking, explore the island and if desired, we will take a dip in the river.

Day 2Voltzberg

Right after breakfast we get ready for the trip through the woods to Voltzberg. The hike is very interested and impressive. During the hike we will see a lot of animals, such as monkeys, birds, wild boar, etc. Highlight on this day is of course the hike to the top (240 m) where you can enjoy. In the afternoon we return to the lodge. On our way we make a stop at Anjoemara fall for cooling. After dinner we will have a get-together.

Day 3Lolopasi - Motherfalls

After breakfast we depart by boat to Lolopasi from wear we will make a forest walk to the breathtaking Motherfalls. At 13.00 p.m. we will have lunch. In the afternoon we visit the airport, where you can also do some bird watching. In the afternoon you can do your own activities. After dinner we have a get-together.

Day 4Return to Paramaribo

Departure 09.00 a.m. to Witagron from where we will return by bus to Paramaribo
